Half Life Alyx Free Download Game

Half Life Alyx Free Download Game
Latest in the Half Life series, Half Life Alyx Free Download Game, is VR first person shooter video game. The game is developed and published by Valve. It is available for Windows and Linux. The game continues with the story of the Half Life Episode 2, where the main protagonist of the game was shown in cliffhanger situation. Player takes on the role of Alyx Vance, who’s main mission is to take hold of a superweapon currently in the possession of main antagonist group, “Combine“.

Due to a high trend for VR games, Valve started experimentation. They used the VR technology on their other projects like Portal, and prepared many prototypes in the VR technology. Finally they came to the conclusion that Half life Alyx is a best fit for VR. Finally they released a VR version For Windows(March 23, 2020) and Linux(May 15, 2020), with support for most PC-compatible VR headsets.

Half Life Alyx Free Download Game

The game like its predecessors, gathered global praise for it’s Graphics, Audio Quality and Game environment. Apart from that, the game has also been nominated various awards. Half Life Alyx won the “Best VR/AR” at the 2020 Game Awards. Comparing to other VR games, Half Life Alyx attracted more players. Being a developing technology this game can be consider as long term investment, according  to the Valve president  Gabe Newell.

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Half Life Alyx Free Download Game, Gameplay

Half Life Alyx is a VR first person shooter cum survival video game. Valve has made the gameplay VR exclusive and they have intentions any time soon to release a non-VR version of the game. The main antagonist of the game is this group alien force, which themselves The combine, has taken over the earth. Their intentions are to destroy and make the earth a chaotic place. Players will take on the role of Alyx Vance. She is accompanied by her father “Eli Vance” as they revolt against the oppression and destructions caused by Combine. The game story according to the Designers of the game, is not a side story but the continuation of Half life episode 2.

Half Life Alyx Free Download Game

The gameplay supports all the Steam VR compatible VR headsets, like  Valve Index, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest and all Windows Mixed Reality headsets. Player will have to use VR to interact with the game environment, get resources, throw objects and fight the enemies. Instead of gravity gun, which featured in Half Life 2, player will have use gravity gloves. The basic elements of the game like combats, exploration and puzzles solving remains unchanged in this edition of the series. The gameplay has also enter a survival horror genre as well. This give the gameplay versatility, which was missing from the previous edition of the game.

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Half Life: Alyx Plot

Earth has been captured by this group of alien, who call themselves The combine. In city 17, they have set up a police state. The main protagonist  Alyx and her father Dr. Eli Vance, who are both a part of the resistance. As they are stealing the supplies from the combine’s facility, they get caught. Russell, a resistance member resuces Alyx. Russells informs Alyx that her father will be taken to Nova Prospekt for interrogation. On her way to rescue her father she meet Gray, eccentric Vortigaunt.

The train which Alyx and Gray are on, derails. Gray save Alyx’s Father Eli. After spending time as captive, Eli learns that the combine are storing a superweapon in a vault. Eli orders Alyx to find the vault so that she can steal its components. During her quest, she came to the realization that the combine are using Vortigaunts, to power their vaults. As she approaches the vault, Alyx overhears a scientist mentioning to Combine superiors that the occupant is a survivor of the Black Mesa incident. Assuming the survivor is Gordon Freeman, Alyx aims to mount a rescue and crashes the vault to the ground.

Half Life Alyx Free Download Game

As she search different vaults, hoping to find Gordon, she find a mysterious man, G-man. The G-man offers her fathers life, but Alyx want him to get rid of the combine. The G-man denies her request, he traps Alyx in the stasis and leaves.

Download Half life 2

How To Download Portal 2 On PC?

Follow the following steps to download Portal 2 on pc.

  1. Open Your  Browser & go to netpcgames.com.
  2. Netpcgames.com home page will appear.
  3. Search for “Portal 2” in the search box..
  4. The game will appear, click on the Cover image of the game.
  5. Go through the game article, if you want to gain some pre knowledge about the game.
  6. At the end of of the article, there will be a “Download Link”. Just click on the link.
  7. Your download will start automatically, wait a while, and then install the game and enjoy.

System Requirements For Half Life Alyx Free Download Game


  • CPU: Core i5-7500 / Ryzen 5 1600
  • CPU SPEED: Info
  • RAM: 12 GB
  • OS: Windows 10
  • VIDEO CARD: GeForce GTX 1060 / Radeon RX 580 – 6GB VRAM

Download Half Life Alyx 

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