Undertale PC Game Free Download

Undertale PC Game Free Download

Undertale PC Game Free Download is 2D RPG released in 2015. The game is created by an independent develop Toby Fox. The game was published for a variety of different platforms such as Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, PlayStation 4, PlayStation vita, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One. Undertale is using the GameMaker Studio Engine and can only be played in a single player mode.

The game tells a story of a child who has fallen beneath the earth surface, separated by magical barriers. It features the endeavors of the child as he try to get back to the earth surface. Players take on the role of the child, as they will be confronted by various monsters and mythical creatures along this difficult journey. Players combat through the underground realm using mini bullet hell attacks or sometimes mere subduing to encounter the underground monsters. The game’s story, characters and dialogues are dynamic and may change depending on the decisions the players makes.

The game was acclaimed due to its theme relative materials, story, character representation and authentication. Over one million copies of the game were sold and the game was nominated for several accolades and awards. Various publications regarded the game as Game of the year and many game ranking websites have inducted Undertale in the list of “greatest video games”.

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Undertale PC Game Free Download

Undertale PC Game Free Download Gameplay

The Undertale is a Role Playing Video game in which players take on the role of a lost child. The game is played in a top-down perspective. Players will be required to complete various objectives in order to progress through the game story. The underground world of the game inhabits monster, towns and caves, providing a though challenge to the players. Players can encounter these monsters in three different ways, either they can engage in a combat, flee the monsters territory or tame them. The action taken by players will greatly affect the story progression. Apart from the monster, the game outskirts also throw a challenge to the players’ main objective. Players will also have to explore and solve puzzles in order to progress through the game.

During encountering the enemies in a combat, players’ souls are represented by a small heart, which the players have to protect from depleting. As the game progresses new elements are introduced like colored obstacles and boss battles. Due to these elements players will also have to change their approach towards protecting the heart.

The Encounters and Story Progression

Like most combat video game, players earn experience points by killing their enemies. The Game has a special feature called the ACT which pre inform the players about their enemies’ strengths and weakness. Using this feature the players can best decide when to attack and when to defend, like attacking your enemies while they are on Low Health Points.

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Undertale PC Game Free Download

Progression of game’s story depends on acts of the players. Players can bring down their enemies to the lowest point, from where they are knocked out and then sparing them. Also certain boss level don’t necessarily require physical confrontation rather players can dodge them until the end of their dialogue. These actions from the players will decide the story direction.

The Dynamic Monsters

Monsters while combating the enemies talk to the players and the in game AI will tell the players what the feelings and actions of particular enemy are. The level of hostility of the enemies defends on players’ actions. If a player is nonviolent in his/her approach, the response will also be of less intensity. As the players actions become violent so as the enemies’. The monsters and other mythical creature alter their dialogue, if the player is battling them in a second playthrough.


Players who have played RPGs before will know what is coming. The game with its strong story line and integrated gameplay, play with the players’ expectations. Undertale likes to catch player off guard, in a sense it cleverly manipulate the idea of mainstream RPG. This attribute add extra weight to its story and depth to its characters. Players flirting their way out of a combat and sparing the your enemies gives the story a dynamic angle.

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Undertale PC Game Free Download
The Dark Comedy

Undertale’s dialogues at times are consistently funny but combine it with the deep story and gameplay, the overall story game story become phenomenally moving. Players at certain time will feel bored like combating a specific enemy over and over again just to unlock a part of story or a certain item. This reiteration of same events are done by purpose, it is push the players’ patience to its limit. Players at the end will feel that the extra time they spent was actually worth it.

The Not so Impressive Art!

The Art design of the game is not that attractive and it is sometime deems as ugly. Yet the game is so expressive that it cover up for the artistic limitations with up to the mark music and excellent animations. The game pans out in such a dynamic way and keeps the intrinsic attributes of a RPG that players always come back and wants to replay it. 

How to Download Undertale For Free on PC?

Follow the following steps and you will be able to download and install Undertale on pc.

  1. Open Your  Browser & go to netpcgames.com.
  2. Netpcgames.com home page will appear.
  3. Search for “Undertale” in the search box..
  4. The game will appear, click on the Cover image of the game.
  5. Go through the game article, if you want to gain some pre knowledge about the game.
  6. At the end of of the article, there will be a “Download Link”. Just click on the link.
  7. You can download the through a direct download link.
  8. Your download will start automatically, wait a while, and then install the game and enjoy.
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Undertale PC Game Free Download

System Requirements for Undertale PC Game Free Download

Minimum Requirements

  • CPU SPEED: Info
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 10
  • VIDEO CARD: Video Card with 128 MB

Recommended Requirements

  • CPU SPEED: 2.0 GHz+
  • RAM: 3 GB
  • OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 10
  • VIDEO CARD: Video Card with 512 MB

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